50 Year Warranty

VMZINC customers can benefit from a 50-year material warranty on a project by project basis.

VMZINC zinc combines corrosion resistance with a proven service life of at least 80 years. In most applications, the lifespan reaches even 100 years. VMZINC owes this resistance to production based on 99.995% pure zinc, to which we then add copper and titanium.

What does the warranty cover?

VMZINC provides a 50-year guarantee for both the metal integrity and the surface appearance (natural zinc, QUARTZ-ZINC, ANTHRA-ZINC, AZENGAR). We guarantee that the material will not perforate as a result of corrosion resulting from a manufacturing defect. We further guarantee that there will be no cracks, blisters, crumbling or peeling on the surface on the surface of the zinc.

Under what conditions?

Not only must VMZINC roofs and walls be designed according to our recommendations, it is also vital that the roofs and walls be installed following our requirements. It is for this reason that the 50 year warranty is only available to VMZINC@WORK partner installers.

Ask for the guarantee

A 50 year warranty can be requested via the VMZINC@WORK installer.

Contact us for further information.